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IAAC - Day 3 / important is lemon in my life

Asslam o alkum I hope you are all well and with your prayers I am well too I am alive and I have lived a beautiful life And I had a great week The weather was quite beautiful so I went out And outside I saw some lemon plants So I thought why not take some pictures of it and write something about it And I was very surprised to see this lemon plant,


Is lemon juice juice good for you,

Lemon juice is a popular ingredient in many foods, drinks, and recipes. It adds a tangy, sour, and sometimes bitter flavor to foods, and is often used in drinks as a source of fresh juice. But does lemon juice really contain any health benefits? The short answer is no, the long answer is yes,

Lemon juice is one of the most commonly consumed juice products in the world. It is commonly used to make drinks, dress salads, and add flavor to other foods,

Lemon juice also lowers your blood pressure

Lemon juice also lowers your blood pressure. It’s thought to do this by improving blood flow to the kidneys, which reduce urine output and improve blood pressure. The effect is small, though: a single glass of juice won’t change your blood pressure significantly,

But the health benefits of lemons are huge, so it’s worth squeezing a little extra juice out of your fruit.

One of the most common foods in the world, lemons have been used for their diverse health benefits for centuries. From being used as a medicine to treating hair loss,

Lemon is also good for your face

Lemon juice is an effective cleanser and has been used for centuries to treat everything from acne to coughs. It also has some interesting health benefits, including being good for your face. In a 2015 study,

researchers found that adding lemon juice to a facial cleanser made facial skin cleaner, smoother, and younger-looking. The acid in lemon juice is also good for your skin, removing dirt, oil, and other impurities from your pores.

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