I am alive 11th March 2023. A promising week

I got a lot done today, I’m grateful Lord🙏🏽Though the day flew by so quickly, I wish for more time to get a lot more done. But my body is saying otherwise. You need rest! It says. The beauty of night.

Time flies when you are having fun.

That and when you have a lot to get done.

  • I made my dress ^picture below^ Will be doing a lot more of that.
  • Learnt a whole lot on hive and responded to messages** (loved the appraisals🙏🏽thank you @alive team and lovely hivers😍)
  • Wrote an an article halfway or would I say a story how do story writers do it applauds you guys👏
  • Went for a walk and... Attended the ‘board of lectors’ meeting**. Jeez! Time did fly by today.

Count your many blessings

Things I will give a try at tomorrow🤞 (God helping me)

  • Planning for a promising week.
  • A lot of rest too immediately after the mass (very important).
  • Finishing up the writing of a non-fiction horror experience of my life - a post for the inkwell community *(never tried that before🫣). Writing that experience down feels so surreal. At the time when it was happening, It was a nightmare.

Wow! Where do we fix in laundry

I am alive and thriving, that is beautiful indeed.
Taking one day at a time and one step... at a time.😁

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you have a splendid weekend and a lovely week ahead. XOXO

Tired me after sewing

All pictures above were taken by me asides the second (by my baby sister) with my Andriod iOS.

~Whitney Alexander; a lover of life and God, a fashion designer, a resplendent tutor and a blogger/writer/storyteller in the hive family and loving every bit of it. Thanks for stopping by. Your comments and inputs are very much welcomed xoxo~

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