Yearly Evaluation 2023

Happy Thursday readers! Thank you for dropping in. This week is flying by and we're on the cusp of Friday. Work was stressful, again. The workload of every representative is building up. There is hardly any availability of support staff and calls are relentless. I tried between calls to handle held work. I managed to handle a few cases but not nearly the quantity that I would like to resolve.

Yesterday my boss met with me through a Microsoft Teams meeting since we work from home. I received an awesome review with 100% quality scores on call evaluations. I received a high ranking for collaboration for mentoring last year and was advised that I am exceeding the company goals. This is the second year in a row that I scored above goal, and it makes me quite happy that all of the effort was recognized. It's a balm on the currently stressful work environment.

After work, Jeff and I met my brother and his wife in town forty-five minutes away at a steak house. After dinner, we followed them home to look at their new house within an HOA. It's a spacious three-bedroom home with an unfinished basement. My brother has plans to finish that basement and make space for his work bench to reload ammunition. He competes in shooting competitions and and won several statues and cash awards. He loves participating.

I'm struggling with a migraine this evening. I had trouble using Ecensy after the recent application update. I'm going to watch Young Sheldon with Jeff and plan to read more of Frank Paretti's novel Illusion.

I am Alive and Thriving. On Wednesday we stake Alive in the Alive Tribe. I will stake some Alive. Join the Alive Community for daily challenges and opportunities to win delegations and prizes!

Thanks for reading 📚.
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credit @tattooedjay

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