Monday's Past

Happy Monday, friends. Today was a very stressful work day and I'm grateful that I can relax.

Jeff is playing his game Fallout on the Xbox 360. I spent time catching up with a friend from work over the phone. This dreary Pennsylvania weather puts me in a lazy mood so I just want to cozy up in a blanket and read. Night falls soon after I log out of work at 4:30. I step out of the bedroom where I work all day from home into the living room and take a seat in my lazy-boy.

We have a lot of leftovers in the refrigerator so Jeff and I ate leftover pork and saurkraut this evening. It's soup and hot meal weather, so I try to think up different meals to bring variety into the meals. Most of the time, Jeff cooks because he enjoys cooking more than me, but many times I do prep work for the meals and clean up afterward. Today I washed the few dishes that were in the sink. It's just the two of us now because my son moved.

I am praying for a couple of my family and friends who are experiencing hard times and I am hoping that their circumstances change soon. If you're the praying kind, I'd appreciate your prayers for them and wisdom for me to be the best support system I can be for them.

I'm feeling mentally drained so I'll share my weekly goals as we do in Alive on Mondays:

Monday: work, post in Alive
Tuesday: work, burn Alive
Wednesday: work, stream Wednesday church services, Stake Alive
Thursday: work, post in Freewriters
Friday: work, read and comment
Saturday: engagement in Alive and Hive
Sunday: church, relax, read

Now I will go read some of the book that I downloaded on Kindle,
The German Wife by Kelly Rimmer

I am alive and thriving. Thank you for reading and supporting my blog!

AI Art Image created in Night Café.

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