First Winter Snow

Happy November, readers!
I hope this message finds you well. It's Wednesday evening and very dark in Northwestern Pennsylvania.

It was a busy day at work. My trainee took her first phone call today. She handled herself well despite some challenging situations. I tried to alleviate her insecurities because we all experience a similar reaction the first time we go into "available" to receive our first calls.

This morning Jeff called me to the door to see the snow resting on everything. November 1st and now it begins. The day dawned cold and overcast but at one point the sun snuck out to glint on the snow-covered ground and trees. Before long, the snow resumed. We received around four or five inches of snow. Temperatures hover around 33F currently.

I'm unusually tired at 8:30 p.m. I drove to Erie after work for a chiropractic visit. I drove through a snowy area, but the roads were clear to and from Erie. The chiropractor recommended visiting every two weeks. I agreed. My visits cap at twenty sessions for this calendar year.

On the way to the chiropractor, the sky parted to reveal a patch of sun. The sight was truly beautiful. My phone failed to capture the real beauty we witnessed, although Billy and I both attempted to capture it. Sometimes you just need to witness things for yourself.

Photographs captured using my Samsung Galaxy Note S22 Ultra Plus smartphone.
I'm Alive and Thriving! Thank you for reading 📚!

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credit @tattooedjay

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