4.15.2022 Engagement Saturday

Engagement Saturday

I can't believe the week flew by and it's Saturday again! We here in Northwestern Pennsylvania enjoyed a gorgeous summerlike Spring day. I felt better this morning after the Thursday-through-Friday migraine and took care of some outstanding household chores aka laundering the bedding for us and our two sister dogs, Rabbit and Inara.


The new dog beds arrived last night, courtesy of Amazon whom I believe never sleeps. These orthopedic dog beds cost serious coin. We replaced the last two beds because both dogs have been skunked since February.


The pungent skunk scent seeped into the six-inch foam and the beds have a lingering odor. Since the beds are in our kitchen with their kennels, we had no choice but to replace them.

$260.00 right there.

Jeff is taking the old matresses up to the storage unit to see if letting them sit for a while removes the smell. I'm wondering if it's an oil-based smell and if the beds are not redeemable.

Today is Engagement Saturday and here are some excellent posts I interacted with this week.

@castri-ja shares his thoughts on a tool he feels is his most useful in his workshop in a response to an engagement prompt shared by @galenkp. Can you guess his favorite

@stdd shares some interesting photos and shares his life challenges on his @actifit posting. He remains steadfast in his goals and I think he is going to do just fine.

@alovely088 shares some of his farming activity on his yam farm. I never knew that yams need staked!

Last, but certainly not least, @sammyhive shares very insightful observations regarding teamwork. If a unit is to survive all of the members must be willing to fill their roles.

Thank you for reading 📚 ❤️!

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