4.14.2023 Friday Happenings

Happy Friday, Alive Tribe!
My Friday was subdued and it began Thursday afternoon with another migraine. I made it through the rest of the workday Thursday and slept very little last night. Newt decided to barge into the room a few times around three a.m. to eat his cat food. I couldn't fall back asleep because of the head pain. By morning, I decided to call off work. Fortunately, the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) case was approved today. Little did I know. I wasn't going to be able to function for work anyway. I still hate missing work and having to use my vacation time for a sick day.

I got up after 12:30 this afternoon and spent the afternoon recouping from the migraine. Jeff made frozen lasagna for dinner. While it baked, we went to Walmart to grocery shop since I finally felt I could manage an outing. I ran out of energy three-quarters of the way through the shopping trip.

My son picked up my grandson who rolled his ankle last week and brought him out here for the weekend.

We're watching a movie by the name of Sixteen Wishes and Jeff suddenly realized that he needed to go buy a lottery ticket. He said tomorrow we can quit work 😂.

Photos were captured using my Samsung Galaxy Note S22 Ultra Plus

Thanks for reading 📚 Have a wonderful weekend!

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