I Am #AliveAndThriving Today! || #IAmAliveChallenge || Daily Off-Grid Jungle Journal Entry: Day #633 - Seeking Solid Layer-2 Projects for HP Delegation - GaiaYoga Gardens, Lower Puna, Far East Big Island, Hawai'i - Sunday, April 21, 2024





I live naked and barefooted, very close to Earth and Nature, in an 18-acre, off-grid, clothing-optional, food-forest intentional community (GaiaYoga Gardens), way out in the jungles of Lower Puna, far East Big Island, Hawai'i, and I have for more than 5 years now. Although there are many challenges, I love my life, and I'm immensely grateful to live where and how I do, on my own terms! I would not want to live any other way! 😁🙏💚⚡💥🔥✴️✳️❇️👣🌱✨🤙


Warm greetings all! 😁🙏💚✨🤙

I've been talking lately about how, due to so many layer-2 projects struggling, failing, or being abandoned, which highlights the inherent greater instability of layer-2 investments, that I've been refocusing and reorganizing how I invest on Hive, giving more attention to the far more stable, dependable, and reliable layer-1 investments of Hive Power and HBD in Savings. Layer-2 investments are still important to me, of course, but because of multiple recent experiences, I've learned to become much more discerning regarding the layer-2 projects. As I mentioned previously, I also created a new set of criteria to help me assess the investment viability of layer-2 projects that I'll be utilizing moving forward. I did edit and update these criteria a bit, to make them clearer and more specific.






I'm aware of some really good projects, but I want to ask y'all in the Hive community, do you know about layer-2 projects that meet the following criteria?


New Criteria for Layer-2 Investments

1.) Solid Communication

2.) Redundancy, in People, and Important Operations

3.) Quickly Addresses Issues

4.) Passion and Love for Hive and Its Community

5.) Consistently, Dependably, and Reliably Sends Out Delegation Payouts


Last week I recalled my HP delegation from @pgm-curator, as I found out that the project was being sold due to lack of available time. As soon as the HP fully returns to my account in 2 days, I plan to redelegate the same amount to another community-curation account that offers good delegation benefits. While I do have a few potentials in mind, none are jumping out to me, which is why I wanted to enlist the help of y'all in the Hive community to find a few more solid accounts for HP delegation.






The fact that Hive has a layer 2, and that it offers such an amazing frameworks for project development, is incredible, and I'm super grateful for it. I just wish that the projects created there had more stability and durability over time. This of course directly depends on how individuals choose to develop and flesh out their projects, with some being notably better at it than others. We're all always learning and growing, and in many different areas of our lives, but in relation to investing on Hive, I want to support those that are doing an excellent job running and managing their projects, now.






I prefer projects that pay out income tokens, in return for HP delegation, as there is great long-term benefit and potential for growth with such assets over time, especially with larger quantities, and stable, consistent payouts. Investing in layer-2 will likely always somewhat of an unpredictable adventure, requiring frequent adaptations, adjustments, reorganizations, reallocations, and tweaking, which means that income will oscillate quite a lot through time. Knowing when to allocate, remove, and reallocate assets, to leverage maximum growth, is a key skill in layer-2 investing, as I've learned from personal experience.






Yesterday, Sunday, was thankfully mostly sunny and mellow, with me devoting much of my day to my Hive tasks and catching up on notifications, with some time spent straining out and blending kefir, taking photos for these posts, and walking around in the later afternoon, enjoying the sun and the beauty around me. It took me longer to get fully caught up on my Hive notifications last night, and because of that it got too late to write My 99th Sunday Weekly Hive Goals and Progress Update: 3/3 Weekly Goals Smashed, Investment Refocus, and a Day Late post, so I chose to go to sleep instead, and write and publish it this morning, after doing a round of token management. After publishing that post, I began on this one, then I got out of bed around 9AM to go make my superfood fire coffee.






Being Monday, there was a Leadership Council meeting at 10:30AM, but I didn't have the mental-emotional bandwidth for it, so I stayed up at the Flow House to write this post instead. It's now just before 1PM, so a good time to end this post, so that I can get to a few important Hive tasks, before leaving the Flow House later in the afternoon, to first strain out and blend kefir (kefir-honey-cinnamon-cacao), take more photos for these posts, then land work. I deeply appreciate you all so very much! Until tomorrow! Forward, onward, and upward, joyfully together! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙







2024 Life Goals

1.) Heal my broken heart, reignite my heart sun, and embody a solid, healthy masculine, allowing my electric fire to shine bright, no matter what others, especially women, say or do. 

2.) Bring myself and my life back into balance, integration, and wholeness. 

3.) Do regular (naked) integral practices again, alone or with others. 

4.) Dance regularly again.

5.) Work with natural entheogens (mushrooms, ganja, ayahuasca), with punctuated regularity, as a part of my healing process again. 

 6.) Get, and keep, regular deep, integral energy-body-tantric work healing sessions for women flowing again.

7.) Prepare regular batches of my medicinal teas collected from the land again. 

8.) Make my plant nursery beautiful again.

9.) Live as an integral part of a juicy heart-resonant soul tribe community, with deep, coherent mutual and shared passion, purpose, mission, love, warmth care, sweetness, reverence, respect, aliveness, admiration, excitement, enjoyment, playfulness, work, fun, laughter, attraction, and all-level connections and relationships. 

10.) Make love with the woman, or the women, that I love, every day, as a sacred devotional practice. 

11.) Begin learning relevant coding/programming languages to more fully contribute to the sovereignty-driven technologies where I am active, like Arch Linux, Hive, Qortal, DeSo, and Bastyon. 


All photos were taken with my Motorola G Play 2024 Android Phone.


Thank you all so much who have helped me get to where I am today, and allowing me to share more of the beauty and magic from my life and my world with you, and for your continuous appreciation and support! I am truly deeply grateful! 😁🙏💚✨🤙


If you'd like to find me on other alternative platforms where I have accounts (I spend most of my time here on Hive), click on this signature image below to go to my LinkTree page.


If you'd like to send me a BTC Lighting Tip (made possible by the fantastic work of brianoflondon on @v4vapp), just scan the QR image below. 👇


Signature image created by @doze, and the dividers made by @thepeakstudio, with all tweaked to their present form by me.


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