I amalive challenge day 277 celebrating (420) with friends

Am grateful to God am alive to witness another beautiful day and to also share with you my experience on 420 celebrations I never new

anything called 420 I have never celebrated or new it was a special day for some people

but few days ago I made some research and I new much about it this is what I was able to get from the research and I have learnt alot from this research, http://bit.ly/3nl8ylz
There isn’t a cannabis enthusiast in the world who hasn’t heard of the famous phrase 420, yet despite its popularity, very few actually know what it means and where it came from.

Ask anyone on the street what 420 is, and likely they will tell you it is synonymous with cannabis. It has become code the world over for friends looking to share a bit of bud, a time to celebrate by getting high, and even as a way of describing something awesome within wider cannabis culture. Many a time we have heard someone say “that is so 420!”. Without a doubt, it is a positive word that holds a lot of meaning to people across the globe.

420 has roots in underground cannabis culture - that much is clear. From there, it became the a tagline for everyone involved, and grown with the prominence of cannabis culture - until pretty much everyone in modern society know what it means. However, the exact origins are murky – we know that the phrase emerged from the growing cannabis scene, but why, and who was responsible? First, let’s dispel some of the myths.


420 is American police code for marijuana use in progress – This is not, and has never been true. Police code 420 refers to homicide, and in the penal code, it means an obstruction to public land.
Cannabis contains 420 cannabinoids – As of writing this, only 111 cannabinoids (the main active compounds) have been discovered and isolated within cannabis. Including non-cannabinoid compounds, there are only 315.
Bob Marley (or any celebrity associated with weed) died on April 20th – As fitting a tribute as it would be, Bob Marley died on May 11th, 1981.
Californian Senate Bill 420 is the bill that legalized medical marijuana – This is technically true, but it happened in 2003, decades after the phrase 420 came into popular use.
The Grateful Dead came up with it – The grateful dead and their deadhead fans certainly help spread the term throughout the US, but they didn’t come up with it, and they didn’t stay in room 420 whenever staying at a hotel.
All Dutch smokers light up at 4:20 – while some probably do, it is not a Dutch tradition, and certainly not the origin.
The 20th of April is International Marijuana Appreciation Day – Yes, but because of 420, not the other way around.
So if all of these – and the many other wild stories out there - are all myths, what is the true origin of 420? Well, there are a couple of schools of thought on this. One says that a group of school friends known as The Waldos – who later had links to The Grateful Dead – would meet at 4:20 to smoke and go hunting for a local legendary cannabis patch out in the wilds. Whilst this is largely thought by many to be true, there are now those who question it, and follow another school of thought, saying it was the Bebes, a rival gang of friends, who first coined the phrase. So let’s take a look at each.


The story into uncovering the truth begins in 1997, when Steve Hager, chief editor of the High Times Magazine, and founder of the Cannabis Cup, pondered the question himself. One day, Hager was contacted by a couple of guys who called themselves “The Waldos,” who claimed they knew the truth behind the origin.

Intrigued, Hager bought a plane ticket to San Rafael in California, where The Waldos were based. He interviewed them, and anyone who would talk to him about the potential origins of 420. After some lengthy research Hager managed to piece together a picture of what had happened, and it goes something like this:

Back in 1971, The Waldos were a group of 5 high school kids who would regularly meet up to get blazed. One day, the group caught wind of some gossip that said a member of the local coast guard had been growing a patch of cannabis out in the wilds near his station. However, he had since moved on with work, forcing him to abandon it. With their boyish charm and hopes, the group made plans to try and find the patch for themselves, and make it their own.http://bit.ly/3nl8ylz

In order to make a co-ordinated effort,
funny enough I celebrated with some of my friends and it was fun hanging around them

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