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Most Vivid At A Time


From the ship to the ball.

That's how I got off the bus and into the middle of the hustle and bustle. It's day two, and I'm already running out of time. There is so much to do, and Hive is still waiting for my activity.(Or is it me waiting?) Either way, no one will write another post for me. So I've decided to share some highlights and some thoughts in my favorite community.

The photo is my favorite animal after the bull. Elephants are very funny, but imposing creatures. There's still something of the dinosaurs in them, but it feels like they're going the way of the pet group. Of course, I don't believe we'll ever tame elephants, they're too free-spirited. And that's even a good thing. It gives me hope that they will be as admired by my grandchildren as I am now...

This elephant figurine belongs to my brother, who now collects various elephant crafts. This story started with a gift of one elephant that he liked. He ends up with a small collection of a dozen already, all of them unique. These pictures are probably my favorite.

When he was given his first elephant, he was told it would attract money. If the trunk is up. These are the omens I wrote about recently. My brother doesn't believe in omens, he just liked elephants. And what does it mean to money? What amount would mean enough? But the beauty of this herd of assorted elephants looks very cool right now. And as I understand it, this herd is still growing as everyone knows what to get my brother... 😜😅

I'll be sharing this collection gradually, while experimenting with locations and photo exposure. Perhaps I'll even talk about the histories of these gifts. I think there are some interesting points there). And sooner or later I'll take a general photo to make it clear what it looks like when they stand together.

I don't tend to get attached to material things like other people do. I don't wear chains or rings or tattoos. Life has forced me to move and change places of residence and work so many times that I've rethought my attitude. Now I can move anywhere with one bag and one backpack. Everything else would be left in storage in my parents' closet or somewhere else.

Perhaps this was my way to myself.

To figure something out.

To start writing something.

Life is an interesting movie if you watch it with the right mood and don't pin your hopes on the ending of the scene or the whole movie. It's a series where the characters play the way they can. Or the way they want to. Happy End is not guaranteed, but my favorite movies are just that. Reality isn't perfect, that's its beauty. In every day. And in every new person along the way.

I like the theory that every person who comes into our lives is important. If they are not a student, they are a teacher. You just have to figure out what you can learn or teach in a particular case or through time. Years later, I found these answers for myself. Sometimes it seemed like it was too late, but no one knows what is better or worse for us at this point in time. I just let the situation go and try to appreciate every moment. We're going to miss a lot anyway, so I'll try to leave the most vivid at a time.

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