Dowsing for proof we never die ✝


A week ago I learned to dowse using two copper rods and have since then been on quite a ride, establishing some ley lines in my garden which were not having a good effect on the hedge and an earth energy power centre in our home which is now emanating some kind of spiral vortex in the bedroom of my children. Today I found myself in a graveyard observing what I can only describe as the energetic residue from souls wanting to find their way home, while also experiencing a moment of connection with my dead father, thanks to my daughter acting as a conduit while standing next to a strange stone device.

From ley lines to grave yards

During my information binge on ley lines I came across the following video which also mentioned Irish Round Towers in its title so thought I would give it a try and was quite stunned by its contents.

The man who made it, a Scotsman by the name of David Cowan, has apparently spent many years of his life mapping out the ley lines between particular sites.

Here you can see an alignment he found between the two remaining round towers of Scotland and Ailsa Craig, a volcanic plug.

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He noted a connection between other volcanic plugs and burial grounds, painstakingly mapping out all the ley lines you can see inside the rectangle below, walking at a snail's pace with his dowsing rods.

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After spending a huge amount of time at these burial grounds around Scotland he noted how "every grave in the burial ground had a double spiral of energy rising to the surface, one clockwise, one anticlockwise."

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He goes on to explain how the anticlockwise spiral can usually be traced to the home of the deceased, through energetic lines which are detectable in the usual way to dowsers. Sometimes the clockwise and anticlockwise lines will meet, at which point they form an interconnected chain before wandering off together.

Am actually getting used to having my mind blown on a weekly basis now so it seemed only logical that I go directly to our village graveyard and try to verify what he was saying.

Life beyond the grave

Our graveyard is a mix of mausoleums and some more modest looking graves with a metal cross at their head.


Quite an amazing place actually. Have always loved graveyards, particularly as a child.


I began dowsing at this row of mausoleums, walking up the path, checking for activity outside each one.


And I think you already know what I am going to tell you. Yes indeed, it was clear as the light of day. There is a minimum of one line leading from each of these. Never from the gap between them but always from the mausoleums themselves.

I checked another row and found the same.


I could not find a single grave in fact which didn't have a clearly visible energetic line coming from it.

Until I came across this metal gate from which nothing appeared to be coming out.


Then I remembered David Cowan and his video in which he also noted that the lines sometimes appeared to stop if they were confronted by a closed metal gate, preferring to leave the graveyard through holes in the wall or through open gateways.

Walking down this path it was clear. No activity from the closed metal gate, loads of activity from the rest.


From what I could tell with my limited time the majority of the lines appeared to meet on this path and make their way up it between these lovely trees which may perhaps have been planted here with a specific reason in mind.


At the end of the row there was a weird looking stone monument which I had never really taken any time to consider before. It reminded me again of the words of David Cowan (perhaps not from the above video but from one of the many others I subsequently watched) describing how stones of a particular nature were erected very intentionally in particular places around burial sites to serve some kind of function.


Indeed this does to me feel like it serves a function beyond simply holding a cross in the air. It actually reminds me of a giant on/off button. Currently in the off position.


So many questions came to mind in an instant. So much has been forgotten! Scratch that. New mantra. So much is being remembered!


It was at this point that Luna (who turned six recently) suddenly said something unusal to me, which I think is worth mentioning. Out of the blue she said "do you want to hug your dad?"

My father died when I was in my twenties and she obviously never even met him so this was a weird thought for her to be having in that moment. "I would love that!" I said. And she told me to talk to him with my dowsing rods. So I tried.

I found one of the lines, waited for my rods to settle in the inward position. I don't bother establishing yes or no anymore. When I start with test questions it is the same every time. Cross is yes, no movement is no.

I asked if my father was there and my rods crossed immediately. Nothing much surprises me any more so I didn't waste time with any sloppy stuff and asked him only that I could hug Luna and for it to feel like I was hugging him. My rods crossed again and I put them down to hug my daughter with tears in my eyes. I caught hold of her face and pulled it tight to mine, quite moved by the moment which took me by surprise. It didn't feel like my dad as I hugged her but all of a sudden I received a flash, a memory, a moment, not sure what to call it but I could feel myself touching his ear lobe between the tips of my fingers as a child. It was wonderful, like a clip from an old film playing through my senses. I could feel him, smell him, embrace him. Yes, it was an experience of note, here in a graveyard in the south of France standing next to the stone device in the middle.

In fear of freaking my children out I didn't make a big deal of it and continued on with our "ghost hunt".

But I will never forget this moment.

Thank you Luna. And thanks for the hug dad!


What does it mean?

For me it means we have forgotten what to do with our dead. There is something wrong in this graveyard. I know this is going to sound weird but I spoke to them with my dowsing rods and they told me this. They told me I could help them too but I didn't have much time in that moment to find the right questions, which can only be answered yes or no. I will return without the children, with a list of potential ways I can help them. Maybe it will be as simple as leaving the gate open for them at night? This will be no problem for me.

Obviously the soul never dies. We know this. But what we don't know is how to deal with trapped souls who for whatever reason cannot continue on the Divine cycle. I have a few ideas on this but my strongest feeling is that the souls/energetic lines only travel back to the person's home if they are 'lost' so to speak. Cowan tells us of how the elders in Scotland made sure you never died in your own bedroom, otherwise you would come back and haunt it. Could this be related?

On my way home I found there to be an energetic line going into every single front door on our street and while I cannot say for sure without spending more time dowsing, it certainly seems like all the lines are coming from the graveyard.

Or perhaps it is the other way around, with the lines representing the energetic paths of loved ones who walked each week to place their flowers next to a grave and pay their respects? I like this idea but it doesn't feel quite right. Physical people don't leave energetic lines. It would be almost impossible to dowse if they did!

Either way there is something quite wonderful about all of this. Exciting too! Call me crazy but is this not proof we never die?

Final thoughts

Coming back to Cowan's observation that all ancient Scottish burial sites align with volcanic plugs like Edinburgh Castle I am certain this is important.


No doubt these volcanic plugs have incredible energy and our elders knew how to tap this energy for the benefit of souls. It isn't as simple as just being physical or non physical because there are aspects to both experiences which can spill into the other. Perhaps, in the same way that the round towers were built in alignment with the volcanic plug to provide enhanced energy for growth in the physical world, our burial sites must also align with volcanic plugs to assist our growth in the non physical world?

Certainly I have no intention of being buried or cremated in the improper fashion and would like for you all to have that same fundamental human right, so will just have to solve this mystery as soon as I can, making sure to share my findings on this blockchain when I do.

As always I encourage you to get out there and do your own experiments. This is a great time of spiritual awakening for ALL of us and these things I am showing you are just scratching at the surface of what is possible.

Love & Light everyone 🌱


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