My Diary Post of Aug 04th, 2023

Good morning everyone.
I want to share how my yesterday was and how thankful, I am for being alive and thriving. I woke up very early. I had my day plans. Read my scriptures and pray for blessings and goodness. Had my morning routines and get ready for my shop. Less I forget, I did some cleaning around my neighborhood, a good initiative to keep every place clean and neat.

I went to the market to buy good for my shop and wear a smiling face for my customers. Receive them in good faith and attend to their needs. They were happy and share their problems with me when I sell my wares to them with comforting words that things will be better in near future.

In the evening, we had a talk show on Thread called #talkingpoint where we share our view over a topic where talk to learn from diverse viewpoint and message. Its very pleasant to engage and discuss. Had my rest. Thanks for your time.

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