IAAC///Share Your Friday///24-03-2023.


My peace today is just like the gentle river flowing on a gentle ground, wetting the soil and sustaining the vegetation.


I woke up lately. I was feeling feverish and find it hard to raise from the bed. After some minutes of excess rest, I got to my feet. Had my morning prayer and meditation of a bible verse. Brushed my took because not brushing the teeth makes me uncomportable. Moved to my fowl's pen, serve them feeds on their feeding basin and filled the water jar with freshwater. I took their head count and satsified with their number. Take care of jack, my dog. Its role required that it will be patrolling the building surrounding. Its presence and barking is all thats needed.


At my shop, I had the pleasure to serve others. Helping others out is the cardinal point of service. Our monetary system have been flawed where momey are exchange at higher rate internally before
Engaging in transaction. It affect business mostly small smes like mine. But we are alive and will keep thriving

I had some great sales at the shop in the evening. Close for today and left with friends. I have some time out with them before heading home. Happy for today.

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