IAAC///Harmony///DIARY Post

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A group of dedicated and hardworking people named their corporation HARMONY where they work out for the welfare of their members. They own farms and labor for the productivity where the earnings benefits them all. They engage in retail and other business interests which improves the lives of their members.

From the narration above, the real meaning of Harmony was demonstrated. It means working closely to achieve a common goal that will benefit the group or the members. This is a wonderful quality that foster unity and progress. Many people have experienced greatness and social mobility due to harmonious efforts.

Harmonious activities thrives when there is peace and unity. It breeds closeness and love. We should adopt this quality and live rightly.


From @alive.chat, Today's task of discussion of how today was which is titled DIARY Post. The word "Harmony" occurred to me and my view about it have been shared above

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