IAAC/// Faith///Alive burning day

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Having strong hope on something that it will surely come true that's what faith really is. Being faithful on person or process is needed because it will make one to be focus and hardworking to achieve the aim. Nothing will distract the person as the person remain faithful.

Being faithful is opposite of being doubtful. When one is doubtful, that one's strength and energy becomes divided in the pursuit of the achievement. Doubt breeds distraction and success become hard to achieve in the process.

In the beginning of the process, things makes not be real or seems not working but having faith in that situation is very important as that it will begot drives and insights which will make the person to have strong believe that there will be success at the end and become smart to achieve higher.

Being creative and smart are for people that have strong faith on the process and they will be successfully.

Tuesdays are for promotion of the post by burning some $alive in the process. Such act helps to improve the tokenomic and sustainability of the ecosystem. I will burn some token for this post in line.

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