Hive Power Up Day/// Alive Staking Day/// Cine Staking Day

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Today is a great day. A set for greater opportunity and offer for the future. Being the first day of the month of February and Wednesday of the week create a double opportunity for us all. Let me explain further in sections:

Hive Power up Day
Being the first day of the Month, it is a day set aside for hive power up. A day that comes with great opportunities of increasing our hive power and get a badge too. My Hive power(#hp) have increased by 10 hive tokens. Screenshot below shown that:

My wallet before the power up

My wallet after the power up

Alive Staking Day
Being Wednesday, our staking day of the week. It's a lovely activity by our Alive tribe hosted by @flaxz to enrich our ecosystem and a boost for tomorrow. I increased my #AP with 102 Alive tokens. Check the screenshots below:

My wallet before staking process

My wallet after staking process

Cine Staking Process
As part of my goal for this year, I want to accumulate many tribe tokens as possible. I decided to participate in the staking of #cine token too. Although I have repeatedly doing that but for the sake of record, I wanted to include it in this post too. Check below for confirmations:

My Cine power in the wallet

As part of my goal on Hive platform, I pledged to enrich this ecosystem by powering up and staking of tokens because it's for the good of everyone.

I'm very grateful that I have 1000 alive token now

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