Friendship is Everything, Protect It!

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Friendship is Everything, Protect it!
Friendship is divine and very important. Great achievement indeed! To have a loyal friends. Many of us, here on hive and subsequently on Alive tribe, are enjoying because our good friend introduce us and even teach us on how to thread carefully too.

Friendship is everything, treasure it! If you have felt the pain of distrust or betrayel, you will value what a true and good friends brings to your table. You might tempted to overlook their value. But, they are inestimable and invaluable.

Friends are brothers in deeds. They can help in areas where one can't remember. In some crisis, blood brothers might not be readily available. But, friends are there already. They like to help their friends without pleading or begging. They can sacrifice their happiness for another or go to war because of another. True friends dont get jealous but work with another for their greatness. A friend see good in another and that's why they are there.

True friend don't count one's wrongs. They are always ready to help. They don't knows one's weakness but became strength to that area for their friends. They don't visit or communicate because they want something from another. They are there for one's good, even if they might not benefit from that. They are rare and hard to find! I pity anyone, who play with such friend or take them for granted.

Staking for Life
Today being wednesday, Our staking outreach is still ongoing. Feel free to join this moving wagon and stake your alive token. I just stake 45 Alive Token now. Check the screenshots below

The Wallet before the staking operation

The Wallet after the staking operation

Friends are helper and brother born in the time of distress. They are ready to help and can makes sacrifices for their friends. Not everyone have such a friend but whenever you believe in this type of friendship and work hard to be such a friend, you will enjoy this type of friendship!

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