Tribes Conflicts and IACC Day 29


I have this ageless glow, from the outside and from the inside.

Today my saga Hive continued.

⚠️ Conflict, my glow turning into a burning, my intuition saying "I told you so!"
I had a guy who was offended I couldn't reply more to his comments at 5 AM my time last week in a Hive front-end. I excused myself but not before telling him that he is being far too aggressive with me and I feel no need into interacting with him again.
Today, just before his delegation ended (they are delegated for a month there as curators) he made an article where he named me and my below. Again, nepotism, some people that I thought to be vertical, cerebral, were on his side, pushing me with comments at each minute...
📉 So I told him to use the downvote if it's really about the content. I had to explain to him and to others that my articles are subjective. I am not a journalist to be objective. I am a human who enjoys writing. Anyway, it was the first time that I have tased harassment and manipulation at a high level of ...engagement coming from others towards me :))
💰 Since I own quite a good share of their tokens, I offered to give them all after unstacking them :)) joking off course. I might have troubled some people for owning that much, through my posts, I didn't buy any. And after I have promoted 2 of my posts yesterday :)) ah...
I have taken some decisions today that are in complete alignment with who I am as a person. I will not disclose them here, but you know what I mean when I say I stick with my people. As for the tokens that I own there, I see how I'll put them to work in my favor. I am a lioness and return favors in a way or another. There's no irony in this.
As for ego and drama queens, dressed as men, leaders of opinions in Hive, I know how much damage I can do if I own a hammer, but I prefer to build things rather than destroy them.

It's never too late to do something about it. But good things come in time. So if this guy will continue the harassment, I might put him down even if I don't have a community behind me, like I've seen lately that cowards in Hive like to play.
It'll amaze somehow I can become a whale overnight.

But why would I, if I have others by my side? I hope he will stop this game and refocus on another woman looking good or not around here.

On the other side, I have talked to some other ladies who got their share of harassment in BroadwayHive these days and in Proofofbrain in the last 2 days.
What's happening with these new tribes?

I look forward to the ALIVE tribe being up.
I'd like to send a small amount from Paypal. I am so impatient when it comes to using hive-engine, leodex to change for bees. Can't I send you some USD on PayPal, @flaxz to support the tribe being up? They come from my Udemy courses and there's not much but maybe it helps.

Hugs to everyone.
@regenerette finishes the week as a winner!




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