Honoring the Phenomenal Women Who've Impacted My Life

Hello, everyone here. How are you all doing??
In case you are not aware, today is International Women's Day, and I wanted to take some time to appreciate the women who have made a difference in my life. I'll start with my mother.

My mom has always been my rock and my biggest supporter. I admire her strength and resilience. My mother is a true inspiration to me. She has overcome so many challenges in her life, and she has always remained strong and resilient. She taught me the value of hard work and dedication and showed me how to be kind and compassionate towards others. She has always been there for me, supporting me in all my endeavours and guiding me when I needed help. She is truly a remarkable woman, and I feel blessed to have her in my life. She is not just my mother but also my friend and confidant. Her love and support have helped me become the person I am today, and I am eternally grateful to her.

My sisters is an amazing person. She is smart, funny, and kind, and I feel lucky to have her in my life. My sister is one of the most caring and supportive person I know. She always have my back, and she's always there for me when I need her. She's been a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear when I need to talk, and a source of comfort when I'm feeling down. She's always been an advocate for me, standing up for me when I needed it and helping me find my voice. She's also one of the most generous and giving people I know. She's always willing to lend a hand, whether it's helping me with a project or offering a listening ear. I'm so grateful.
My little sister Favour she is such an amazing soul, Thank you for being a good girl and respectful. For all the time you did my chores I’m grateful. I love you all.

My grandma has always been a source of love and always pampering. She always made me feel special, whether it's with a hug, a cup of tea, or a warm smile. She always made time for me, even when she was busy, and she always had a way of making me feel loved and cherished. She has also been a source of wisdom and advice, guiding me through tough times and helping me to see things in a new light. I love you Grandma.

I'm also grateful for my bestie, @blessed-20, who is always there for me through thick and thin. She makes me laugh, she helps me through tough times, and she is just so lovely. I’m glad our paths crossed.

To my lovely bestie, she is like a therapist and a cheerleader rolled into one! She is always there to listen, without judgement, whenever I need to talk. She is the person I can confide in, knowing that whatever I share will be kept in the strictest confidence. She has a way of helping me see things more clearly, with a perspective that is both insightful and compassionate. She always offers encouragement and support, even when I'm feeling down. I'm so grateful to have her as a best friend who is such a wonderful listener and confidant. She is truly a gift in my life.

To my lovely self:

Thank you for being true to yourself and for always trying your best. You've been through a lot, and you've shown great strength and resilience in the face of adversity. You've never given up, even when things seemed impossible. You've always been kind and compassionate, and you've been a source of light for those around you. I'm so proud of you for all that you've accomplished, and I know you'll continue to achieve great things. Keep going, keep growing, and keep being the amazing person you are. I love you.


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