After Three Years, The Plague Got Me

So after three years of accumulating a high score in covid Frogger, I caught the plague. My fever crossed over 104 several times, reaching as high as 104.7, so it was pretty miserable. Thankfully I am on the mend, though I have lingering symptoms like cough.

Nurse Yuan took excellent care of me, and speaking of Yuan - it's his 15th birthday today!

So I don't really have much going on to talk about since I've just been a potato in bed for several days. But I survived and I'm alive! Apparently the dominant strain in the US right now is "immune evasive" according to an article I read, so even if I was up-to-date on boosters (which admittedly I'm not, I'm overdue), I might have caught it anyway.

I finally felt well enough to do aquarium maintenance yesterday which was overdue too, normally I try and do water changes every week. Laeg and Macha and Sanglainn were very patient with me. I added new floating plants to the tank - water spangles - since the red root floaters I originally tried all died off. These ones should be more hardy.

So that's about it from here! I hope y'all are doing well and healthy!

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