Alive Staking Contest : Key to growth

Image manipulated using Lightx
I created the above image myself.
Alive logo gotten from hive-engine.

Hello Alivers
Hello Hivers

Alivechat topic for today is still open.
I am lucky to participate in it, the topic is about staking our alive tokens.
This post 👇 below will tell you more about the contest.

Yesterday, I participated in the alive burning contest.
I won 500 alive tokens and 100 ecency points.

There is always a great feeling when you see yourself among the winners.
Sometimes you don't win, that shouldn't stop you from participating and trying.
Besides today's topic is much more beneficial to me and you.

When you stake today, you get a cool boost tomorrow.
Whether you win in the contest or not, you are growing your account and your alive tokens.
This is one of the tokens I have so much interest in, I am doing the best I can to make the best out of it.

I have 322 alive tokens, I will stake 20 alive tokens today.
I will save others for me to use it and participate in alive burning contest and staking contest next week.
So far I have staked 1593 alive tokens not adding the 20 I will do today.

Let's go staking alive tokens!

Thanks for checking out my article.
I appreciate your votes and comments.

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