Creative Employment - Loving What You Do!

Super big agricultural equipment...

So Very Blessed...

Last year, in June, I applied for a job with the Entertainment Authority in my city. When I did not hear anything back, I figured I had not gotten considered for the role, but then, they called me for an interview. Man do I hate interviews! It was one of the types where you have to interview in front of a board, and they spend all their time writing stuff and you don't know if you should keep talking and it is just...awkward...

When I did not hear back for almost a month, I was sure I had failed the interview. After all, the other guy that had been there that day was younger and seemed to me at least, to be more well put together than I was. Imagine my surprise when I was called and offered a position! That was October 31st of last year, and I have been here now for almost four months and let me tell you, I love my job! As time as went on, I have been given more responsibilities, and now I am given tasks that let me be creative and use the skills I went to school for!

Up in the air!

Learning and Growing!

Part of my job is to help oversee the IATSE union workers. The riggers, sound men, and stage hands that come in to set up and run the shows. Sometimes, I get to help out or learn what they are doing, and as you can see, it can involve being a hundred feet in the air! It is a little intimidating, but I am getting used to it...


Being Creative...

Part of my job is to do the upkeep on the "reader boards" that are located at various locations in our facility. This gives me the chance to design "slides" that thousands of people see, and choose what gets displayed on them. It allows me to be creative and also helps me develop skills that I can use for other reasons. This month for example, is Black History Month, and I got to design all the information that was presented. That is a pretty big responsibility for an entire city...

MLK Slide...

Conventions, and Banquets and Shows, Oh My!

A lot of my job is mundane, we have a lot of conventions and banquets. Most of the time I am just plugging in electric for vendors or making sure the Wi-Fi is set up so they can access it. Once in a while I will have to route a signal from the switch so someone can have a hardline internet connection, but then, every so often we have a big show, and that is when things get fun!

I designed that!


Coming next month we have a pretty big show coming. As cheesy as it sounds, it is a band called "Hairball." I know, corny, but apparently they put on a heck of a show! Pyrotechnics and everything! I am learning a lot about how the contracts work with riders and all that stuff. My boss has said that I will be taking a course in venue management sooner or later, and in March I will be taking a course to become a certified "Tourism Ambassador" for my city.

Came a long way...

For those of you that have been following me for a while, you know where I come from. For those that have not, let me tell you. I am a former Heroin addict that was homeless for almost four years, and I mean begging under the bridge homeless. I have been to prison three times, but eight years ago, I decided I wanted something different from life, and made the moves to change. I went to school, and started doing things differently. I got a bachelors degree in Digital Media Creation with a minor in Communications, and although things have not always been hunky dory, they damn sure are better than they ever were! So if you ever doubt yourself and the position you are in, just know that you are only one decision away from a completely different life...

Something To Think About...

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