Visiting the SNP Dome in Heidelberg

Today I went for a trip to the SNP Dome in Heidelberg. It was the first time that I have visited it and was looking forward to going. I really like visiting Heidelberg in general, but this would not be a city trip or a hike or anything, but to a sporting event.

The SNP Dome is a large and very modern looking sports arena just on the outskirts of the Heidelberg town. Luckily there is also a really modern and spacey car parking right next to it, but there were other free options nearby from what I could see.

The car park had dozens of places and chargers for electric cars even it was so modern. When I checked online, someone wrote the parking was for free, but we paid actually €5 for 5 or so hours which isn't so bad I think. I accidently left the window open too and luckily it doesn't seem a dangerous area as nothing happened.

I was quite impressed after parking being able to find Nikola Tesla Street! I hope they might also do an Elon Musk street too.

Here is the view from outside the parking. It is looking like an industrial estate and the road leads into the town.

From the outside, the SNP Dome is looking very impressive. I caught the side of the building here and you could see the crowds already inside from the outside here.

It was only 8° but was feeling very cold still outside during the day. Here I am outside of the entrance.

Inside everything was getting ready to start the event and it was a lot of fun.

The food was not so good inside though with not so many options and you are not allowed to bring your own apparently. I still brought a bretzel and a drink in though and it was a good job I did as the food looked awful and expensive.

After the even it was dark outside and the SNP Dome logo was lit up like here. If you have any sporting events here, I can overall recommend it though as it is a good place to visit.

Thanks for reading.

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All other photos are my own.

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