Stacking Sats on Hive

After @achim03 posted about how Hive and Bitcoin can complement each other here. It got me thinking to how versatile the Hive ecosystem is in that you can also seamlessly stack sats on Hive very easily and cheaply too.



Since then I have been stacking a few Sats each day and have so far accumulated 0,00039920. This isn't too much so far, but over time it could build up nicely.

The great thing about the Hive Engine, is that it is a handy wallet that you can store a multitude of tokens in and I know Bitcoiners would say that Swap.BTC is not really Sats, but they can also be converted here to sats quickly and quite cheaply.



Not only that, this allows you to send Sats to others within Hive for free and take advantage of the fast 3 second confirmation speed of the Hive blockchain.



If you want, you can withdraw Swap.BTC directly on chain, but another option is to use the great bridge created by BrianofLondon to withdraw or pay in Sats using your Lightning Wallet.

Here after stacking some Swap.BTC, I could swap it back to Hive and then convert directly to Sats in my Lightning wallet for a small fee. This can be also good if you want to move some Sats from Lightning and store them on Hive and then convert the Hive back to Swap.BTC on Hive.



You can easily set it up so that anyone can pay you an invoice in Sats that would go directly to your Hive wallet too.

The great thing about stacking Sats with Hive is also that you can store larger amounts too and they are kept in your own control. With the implementation of Lightning Node by Binance, you can also now seemlessly withdraw Sats from Binance to your Lightning account and then to your Hive account.



This is easily done by selecting withdraw crypto in Binance and then selecting the Lightning as network. Here I just copied my receive address from within the v4v app.



With the Sats sent in Alby, I could then see them arrive on my Hive account instantly.



This great seemless integration of Hive with Bitcoin through Swap.BTC and Lightning allows us great flexibility to stack Sats on Hive and have the best of both worlds.

Do you stack Sats on Hive?

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