Saturday Savers Club - Week 29 - 80k HP Incoming!

Hello to all Saturday Savers. We are now at the end of July and the end of week 29. You can check what week it is here.

We are in the middle of the summer holiday period and although Hive hasn't held the $0,38 price, it is still looking pretty good today at $0,36. With that in mind I decided to buy another 3k of Hive ready for Hive Power Up Day so this should propel me over 80k HP once I power it up.

That will get me back on track and bring me closer to my goal. This will also give my voting power a nice boost too. Since powering up HP, I have noticed my voting power going much further and also recharging quicker which is great.

This week I have also been looking to swap some of my SPS earnings for DEC to be prepared for any good cards on the market and maybe if I will need some DEC for land if I buy some land in Splinterlands. With the release of some of the graphics, the land aspect of the game is looking more interesting.

I am also a big fan of DHEDGE and hold around 2700 DHEDGE tokens. This week they had a successful token split with the new DVS token. You can earn DVS by delegating to the account or of course buy it on the market. So far I have just been adding to my stack on the market a little and will keep buying until I have enough.

This week my Hive Power grew by 254 which is about an average week for me. As I said, I bought 3k HP yesterday and will power it up on HPUD day so I should then move into the 80s!

My ALIVE tokens grew by 155 this week. The demand for the token remains strong and some of my buy orders were not hit. I still try to buy some each week to help reach my goal faster.

Genesis League Goals went live and the token had a big boost. I managed to grab some more GLX but not as much as I would like. I still have plenty of orders in the market to try and increase my stack.

I am pretty excited to start playing the game and think it could have lots of potential. I am looking to check out the gameplay myself as I am curious how it works, but there are still many new features expected in the game and I think it could be great to play.

Week 17 in the 365 Day HBD challenge is completed this week:

This week I have saved 11,64 HBD which is over my required target so I closed the gap to be 99% of my target. I hope that this week I will get back to being fully on target and over 100%. 😃

So far I have saved 70,88 HBD against my target of 71,4 HBD. This week I need to save 8,61 HBD. It is getting progressively more difficult!

How has your saving been this week? Let me know in the comments.

That's it for this week. Before I go, be sure to check out the @eddie-earner or @susie-saver accounts for more details about the Saturday Savers Club. This is run by @shanibeer.

Thanks for reading.

The title image was created in Canva using image from source.

Let's connect : mypathtofire

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