Hive Goals - 75k HP Reached after 3.6k Hive Power Up

Hello to all Saturday Savers. We are now at the end of week 24 and we are approaching the end of June and the half way mark for the year. You can check what week it is here.

In the meantime, I have still been focusing on my goals of powering up Hive to get me to 100k HP by the end of the year. Even though there are a lot of shiney tokens that get my attention, I stay resolute to powering up Hive to increase my Hive Power and reach my goal.

With the recent fud in the markets, crypto has been falling and I have taken advantage and filled my bag once again. After my last 5k power up last week, this time I went for another 3.6k Hive to take me to 75k Hive powered up.


This helped me jump a few more places from 227 to 214. This is just ahead of forkyw and just behind acidyo. My next power up is planned for the end of the month and this will edge me closer to the top 200.

Week 12 in the 365 Day HBD challenge is completed this week:

I managed to save 3,46 HBD this week, which was an improvement compared to last week. My target was however 5,67 HBD. This means I am falling further behind my goal this week, so will need to try and catch up.

So far I have saved 31,28 HBD against my target of 35,7 HBD. So I am still behind my overall target. This week I need to save 6,16 HBD.

On to this week's numbers:

My main target is to grow my Hive Power.

Start: 56314
Target: 100k
Current: 75058
To Go 24942

My Hive increased by 3909 this week which means that I am almost back on target to reach my Hive goal. I am now just 579 Hive behind my expected target at this point of time. After my 3.6k Hive Power up, this helped me catch up.


Here you can see my recent power ups this month.

My second goal is to increase my ALIVE power to 25k. This is my current progress:

Start: 10025
Target: 25k
Current: 16248
To Go 8752

This week I staked 186 ALIVE tokens which is more than last week. I am still very close to being on target to reach this goal by the end of the year so am quite happy.

My SPS goal is reached.

Start: 1539
Target: 100k
Current: 100826
To Go 0

My final goal is to increase my staked GLX.

Start: 0
Target: 20k
Current: 20015
To Go 0

My GLX tokens increased by 5081 this week after I bought some more on the market. This means my goal has been reached. After some careful thinking, I have decided to set a new more challenging goal for GLX.

I would like to have 200k GLX staked, but that is quite a big goal so will go for something more manageable first. Therefore, I will set my goal for 100k GLX staked by the end of the year.

That's it for this week, I hope you all had a great savings week, be sure to let me know in the comments. Before I go, be sure to check out the @eddie-earner or @susie-saver accounts for more details about the Saturday Savers Club. This is run by @shanibeer.

Thanks for reading.

The title image was created in Canva using image from source and nattanan23/Pixabay

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