Warmest greetings all.
I welcome you all to this beautiful and #awesome month of April and wishing it will be splendid for all of us.

Saturday was off day for me, so I was home, and as usual it was a busy day with chores to do; laundry, cooking, garden work.

First chore was cutting of waterleaf from the garden. The first set of the waterleaf I planted have grown and ready to be harvested.

After cutting the grown ones, I watered them too.

See how fresh they look. That's the beauty of having a garden, you get to grow whatever crop or vegetable you want and can easily get them fresh.

I noticed that the fluted pumpkin I planted last Saturday have germinated, so there will be more vegetables to eat this period.

It was time for laundry, that didn't take much time.

Resting a while and enjoying fresh mangoes that mom gave me the previous day I visited them. This specie of mango is called German mango (Ọpịọrọ mango in my local language). It's very delicious and I enjoyed it.

Next was other house chores, cleaning, mopping, rearranging stuffs.
After that I fried some groundnuts. I had fried chin chin some weeks ago, both will be serve as snacks. What a perfect combo. I actually ate some too.

The day was already far spent and it was time for cooking. I cooked afang soup with the waterleaf I got in the morning.
Of course I had to taste it and the perfect swallow for it was garri.

Cooking and eating done, it was time to rest and surf the internet. I made some threads, engaged in some including posts in some communities.
You know nature usually calls when the body is weary. When it does it's always good to answer, and I did.

Evening time was for a walk. I've been home busy all day, the weather too was inviting, so off I went.

Looking up I saw the moon almost appearing and remembered that saying about the moon always moving wherever one moves, so I said "hey moon, let's go for a walk"

At the express road, the night was coming up and the street lights are on, though they weren't so bright but it's better than total darkness.

The moon was still up there, walking with me.

Captured this service mast mounted by one of the network providers.

Night time finally came and I headed home.

It was an enjoyable Saturday for me.

Thank you for stopping by my blog.
Till I write again, take care.

I am @luchyl

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