Alive and Thriving, 07.06.24 - Morning Photos!

Hello friends!
Happy "Friday Evening"
To You!
And, Thank You so much for your visit!
So friends, I took a few interesting photos this morning that I would like to share with you today!
To get the Morning started I went and fed the Kitties at the old house. While I was there I took a few photos of the flowers that were blooming. First - this is a (the) Plumaria,

This is the first flowers I have seen from this Plant in a few years,

Then I went around front and got this photo of the Crape Myrtle,

Also nicer than it has been in a few years!
Then I went back home and wanted to take a look around the Park as we "do" have a Hurricane headed this way. "Beryl", may come close Sunday into Monday - "we'll see".
So I went over on the Green bike,

First I saw this young "Reddish Egret", he was playing hide and seek - but I finally got a photo,

(*and a few rock shots!)
The Blue Heron that I am thinking has made this it's home,

And with a friend,

And then a Seagull flew by overhead,

And a Kingfisher as well, hard to get a photo of these guys,

And a Navy plane, no doubt going to observe the Storm,

And into the Clouds!

And that was about it for today!
And, I do want to thank you once again for your visit!
And, Wishing you a Very Blessed, Happy, and Safe Weekend!
And... If you are in South Texas, or anywhere in the Gulf for that matter...
"Pay Attention to the Hurricane"!

All images property of @lesmann
No Commercial Reproduction of any kind without written permission.

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