IAAC DAY #575 // Don't Be Too Proudly, You Never Can Tell

You are in the top position doesn't mean you have it all, you are just bless so don't use your blessing to rub salt on someone else wound because the way you are blessed they can be blessed too. You make it today doesn't mean you should mock those who are still struggling because you never can tell what tomorrow holds. Those people you are treating badly today just because you think you are above the might be the ones you need the most tomorrow even in their lowest position so don't ever underrate anyone.

You only knows your today but not tomorrow so since that is the case, you are in no position to decide what someone's future will be like because change is something that is constant. Don't be too proud of the position you are today, it's might be useless to you one day and those you look down on might be the one to help you out of the desperate situation you might find yourself.

Thanks to @flaxz for the initiative of #iamalivechalleng.

Thanks for checking on my blog and have a wonderful day

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