IAAC DAY #509 // Don't let your kindness be used

Sometimes when people ignored you, you can wait for them maybe they are going through some things at the moment but when the wait is getting longer you can start ignoring them too. They might hate you but don't let it bother you, you've waited enough for them. You give them the second chance because you care, when you give them another chance and they misuse it, it's okay to let go then. They will turn you to a fool if you keep giving them another chance over the same mistake.

You will have your happy moments if can find the courage to let go of those who don't value you the way you valued them. They don't care if your feeling were hurt because of them because they know you will still forgive them and give them another chance. It's okay to have a kind heart but don't get used by those that doesn't deserve your kindness.

Thanks to @flaxz for the initiative of #iamalivechalleng.

Thanks for checking on my blog and have a wonderful day

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