IAAC DAY #499 //Don't Hate people blindly

Don't hate innocent people because of some fake rumors some people make up about them. Some people doesn't think about the consequence of their words because they never think of the way it can affect the life of the other person, they just want to put them down just to feel good without putting others feeling into consideration. But once they are giving the taste of their own medicine that is when they realize how bitter it can be and how much they have hurt other just to feel good.

When you heard something about other, don't start judging them base on what others are saying about them. Try and get close to them, study them and know them yourself then you can start judging them if what they said about the is what you see, you can form your opinion base one your own evaluation instead of you to start hating others without knowing the full story.

Thanks to @flaxz for the initiative of #iamalivechalleng.

Thanks for checking on my blog and have a wonderful day

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