IAAC DAY #487 // Be Nice But Don't Get Used

Nobody will know how hard it has been for you or how you are managing to move forward, or how much you are enduring just because you keep listening to their needs. It's not because they can not know but they choose not to know and they don't care to know but the moment they need you, they won't hesitate to call you because they know how nice you can be.

It's okay to be nice, it's okay to always do good but it is not okay to get used everytime, they are trying to gain from you when they don't care to give anything in return. You might be strong but don't let them bring you down because of your niceness, learn to say no when it's needed because they will never know that you too are struggling if you don't tell and they will never realized how bad they treat you it you don't react.

Thanks to @flaxz for the initiative of #iamalivechalleng.

Thanks for checking on my blog and have a wonderful day

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