IAAC DAY #446 // The Childhood Is Gone

We all lost something which was our childhood, I never knew it will not last long and be gone one day I would have learn how to stand on my own. I was lost in my childhood that it took me a while to realize that it will be gone one day and when it was gone it feels like a dream. I woke up into the adulthood and all that remains was just the memories.

There are some pages of that memories that are still hard for me to read and also hard for me to understand but what can I do, It was just the memory of the past and it's okay if I can't read it, I will just honor the story each day even though it might be the sweetest story, I just have to write myself a new and better story which will be sweeter than that of the childhood one.

Thanks to @flaxz for the initiative of #iamalivechalleng.

Thanks for checking on my blog and have a wonderful day

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