We Are Alive! November 3rd, 2022 Fench Fies and Chuppetz

Daddy and daughter ran errands today, I got some supplies to do some work on the car and we stopped to get some lunch, just my daughter and I.

It was her 3rd birthday and she wanted to spend her three dollars at the store. We visited a fast food restaurant and she enjoyed a "ambergler".
Daddy is frugal, so he used the app points for a free sandwich and other discounts.

We dipped "fench fies" in "chuppetz", that's french fries in ketchup. We often get this food from the take out line and eat it in the car, so it was special dipping in ketchup, as the children usually enjoy their fries plain.

It was a pleasant time outside the home and occupied my three year old, while mommy does lessons at home.


Benjamin Turner: God fearer. Rooted in Messiah. Husband of @lturner. Father of six wonderful children. The guy behind the camera. Blockchain enthusiast.

Bless the Most High!


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