IAAC #83- Busy Day and training on marketing

IMG_20230616_211823.jpg am ready to go to the office

Each time put on this t-shirt, I know am going to talk and talk. I also know that I will be more happy at the end of the day although I will be tired. What gives joy is not a about how much you worked but what you achieved from your work. Below pictures will tell you more about my Friday.

IMG_20230616_212308.jpgMr Vin known as Sir Vin on the selfie


IMG_20230616_211757.jpgMr Agu is on the left here. We call him the Lion. When he speaks, you know that the Lion is here

Today we had more guest in our seminar. I also invited 2 guest speakers to help me teach. The Have heard my voice always and today I did only introduction and hand over the Mich to guest speakers.

The first speaker was Mr Vincent. He talked on company profile, mission and vision. He also motivated everyone to embrace network marketing. This is because network marketing gives you the opportunity to earn leveraging. We believe that whatever business you are doing and you are alone in that business, it will not help you at old age.

The richest people on Earth did not build their wealth all alone. All has to do with network marketing. Just like Twitter, Facebook, Hive and other social media, none is building alone. So we choose building an empire with people so that we can secure a residual income.

The second speaker Mr Agu thought us the compasation plan of the company (EMD) Everhealthy Multi-Dynamic International an Indian company that is into manufacturing of healthy products since 1993. He also shared his personal testimonies . How he has benefited from the products.

Finally was question and answer section where I was called to handle that. Those who came for the first time asked questions on what it will take them to join. How to get the product since is coming from India and the dollar exchange. I gave them answers to all the questions. We were all happy at the end.

Entertainment/ Conclusion

I entertained all in attendance with biscuits and soft drinks while my guest speakers had special Banga soup prepared for them. They promised to come again each time I need their help. That was how my Friday went.

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