IAAC #82-Having a good time with friends after some weeks of not meeting together

IMG_20230615_215249.jpg I and Esther




A friend in need is a friend indeed. During the time of my distress, my friends stood by me. As I came back on Tuesday. On Wednesday they wore our promotion t-shirt to visit me. I have to put on mine to grease the visit. They put a lot of smiles on my face. I felt like nothing had happened and the result was a beautiful bright face .

In this critical world we are living. It is good to keep busy in whatever business you are doing. Keep busy in serving your God. Surround yourself with quality friends who are ready to help with kind words. It must not be money .

I have seen and learn that money is not everything when life matters. Getting encouraging words like, I am with you. I will support your decision means a lot to a sick patient or family members. I find courage here on hive too each time am busy here. Yes, interaction we get here on hive keeps us alive physically, mentally and emotionally.

My late father in those years will say, show me your friend I will show you whom you are. Then I don't really understand it but now I understand it better. How much you can be influenced by your friends. It is not about being young. It affect all ages. I have this friend that mere hearing his voice, my strength will be renewed.

He is always positive in his words even when you think there's no hope. He will tell you that nothing will happen to you. He never give up on something unless is beyond his power. Having such friend is a blessing to me for 35 years now. I also try to be positive in supportive when he is facing challenges too. Good friends are a blessing to us.

Thank you all for reading through. I appreciate your support and help.

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