I Am Alive -IAAC Day #24 My Hive Goals. January 30th 2023


It is a brand new week , i am happy to see the last week of January 2023 coming to an end. The year is working hard to achieve it's own goals that is is to keep going without stopping. After tomorrow, we will not see 2023 January again, it is gone and will never come back. It is the same way on time wasted for nothing.

Every day i keep on asking myself, are you sure you are doing the right thing, are
you really doing what you can do daily to improve in your life. If it seems i don't understand it, i look at myself from the mirror and motivate myself to do more. Yes, i do it daily so as to move on. The flesh is always weak and want you to dance on it's tone.

Far from it for us to be controlled by the weak flesh. The spirit is strong and want us to succeed. It takes effort to follow the spirit direction without feeling tired. Achieving our set goals can only be possible by Divine Mercy and that is working against our fleshly desires.

Here is my Hive goals this week.

This week, i am determined to make 14 post no matter the busy schedule. I will not fail to be active on Leofinace and threads. I will make sure to participate in all our daily activities here on ALIVE Tribe Community. Commenting, curating and replying on post is a sure thing. Hive power up day is at hand i will do my best to participate. It will help me to achieve my HP goal for 2023.

  • Monday, make my Hive goals post and another post on Leofinace. I will also go to the bank to know why they debited me without paying me since on Friday last week.

  • Tuesday, 2 post and comment on post in the community. I will also go to feild service. I will also participate on ALIVE burning.

  • Wednesday is Alive staking. I will participate and do other things online and offline. It is also #hpud. I will not miss it. If possible, i will make my hair. Looking good is a good business.

  • Thursday is a day i don't play with. I will give myself some rest and participate fully on Hive. I don't have any plan of going far that day onless emergency.

  • Friday will be a busy day for me from 9:am. I will teach 2 people who want to learn about hive what i know and by 11: am, I will start free health seminar in my office and we will close by 2:pm. I will take my lunch rest before sharing my Friday activities with us here.

  • Saturday, I will make post on quality post i read and digest in the community. I will participate in some community contest this week too. I need the power beyond what is normal to reach all this goals for this week.

What i achieved last week

I made progress in so many areas. I won a lot of prices in Alive Tribe Community and in other Community. This week my HP has reached 270.853. My LEO has reached 1,096.387, my HBD is now 15, STARBITS is 5,272, my AP is now 883.5271 and i also have liquid Alive 60.0186. this is amazing. Every day i see myself achieving my hive weekly goals and that will make it possible to achieve the monthly and yearly goals.

This week is going to be hard and productive too. I was so busy offline last week and it affected my Hive work. I work hard daily to balance the two.

I wish you all a blessed week. All the Admins, Moderators, and community members who are always active. I appreciate you all. May your goals this week be achieved.

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