When Reality Does Not Meet Expectations | Alive Video Masters Series

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Hello and welcome to Team Alive. You can also join us on wearealiveand.social. I'm continuing on this Alive Video Masters series to assist new and upcoming members taking part in the #iamalivechallenge and #aliveandthriving. Shoutout to @flaxz, founder and organizer of @wearealive tribe on Hive.

We do a lot of planning, but sometimes we realize that reality is a far cry from our expectations. I have been sharing about my declutter and refurbish project that has been ongoing since 2018. It happened in bits and pieces around the small flat. It is still ongoing as we did have to revise some plans and adjust to unexpected happenings in our lives.

Our latest project is the upgraded guinea pig cage that now doubles as storage cabinet at the bottom. That way, we get to hit two birds with one stone. I also hope that would mean we'll have less clutter as there are several cabinets for storing extra items that would otherwise be lying around everywhere. LOL!

We did need to adjust and revise the original plan for the guinea pig cage like the top cover, as the acrylic one wasn't working well. We do not like our guinea pigs getting sick due to poor ventilation so we reverted back to the grid top cover. So far, so good. They seem to be adjusting well to the new place. It's still under observation as we discover more on how to make it fully functional and beneficial to our pets as well as to us -- less cleaning and maintenance, that is.

It's finally raining more these days, so we're just enjoying the cooler temperature in the flat. I'm sure the pets (esp the guinea pigs) are happy about it too.

That's it for this week's update. I'll see you all for the next edition of the Alive Video Masters series. Have a great week ahead!

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