Share Improvement Tips | Alive Video Masters Series

Hello and welcome to Team Alive. You can also join us on I'm continuing on this Alive Video Masters series
to assist new and upcoming members taking part in the #iamalivechallenge. Shoutout to @flaxz, founder and organizer of @wearealive tribe on Hive.

I'm back for another Alive Video Masters series. Coming to you late from Manila. I have been quite busy and distracted lately with RL (real life) issues. This week I received a few of the items that I shopped for online. They included items for the cats. I did remember to buy myself some items I need, esp.ones that help me feel more comfortable working at home as well as items I could use to help me do my daily household chores easier and faster.

If you're thinking of a topic for your #iamalivechallenge video, try sharing some improvement tips that you have done in your life. It could be a personal improvement or some home improvement projects. That should be a fun video.

It's your turn to share your videos on the We Are Alive tribe.

One day at a time...

For further questions, join us on discord.


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