IAAC - Day 721

Hello all ,

Thanks God for wonderful day.
Today is day 721 of participation,

Wakeup time - 7.30 am

Gurseerat was suffering from cold last day and in the morning it was raining during the school time. So my decided not to sent her to school just for precaution.
Last day when she comes form school she started playing with one decorative item we purchased from a carnival on Sunday I forget to share the pics form the carnival, may be in next post will share some glimpse of carnival.

I thanks to @flaxz for the initiative.

For more details and participation please check the link.

This account belongs to my kid. She is just 5 year old and as she does not know writing so my wife (@mk992039) and me (@guurry123) are managing the account for now. We will handover the account to her when the time comes.


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