$ALIVE Staking Rewards - APR 3.84% At A Prize Of 0.03 $HIVE Per $ALIVE For Our Daily Staking Rewards

In this post I go through the APR for our daily staking rewards to $ALIVE stakeholders, and what the use cases are for our $ALIVE token, enjoy!

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Made in Desygner, photo by Erik Gustafsson

Hi there and welcome to my blog, my name is Erik Gustafsson and I go by the handle @flaxz.

$ALIVE Staking Rewards

As you might have seen the price of our $ALIVE token has dropped quite a bit recently, and last I checked before publishing this post it was at 0.03 $HIVE per $ALIVE as the Highest Bid on the market.

Why it happens is of course just speculation, but the fact is that many Hive-engine tokens are dropping in value, even LEO is dropping as I looked at their market just before this, and that's despite having a massive Zealy campaign going, so it's quite safe to say that most HE tokens are in a general bear market right now (just my opinion).

APR 3.84% At A Prize Of 0.03 $HIVE Per $ALIVE For Our Daily Staking Rewards

This does make it quite interesting to take a deeper look at the fundamentals for our $ALIVE token.

As I hope most of you know we are paying out daily staking rewards to $ALIVE stakeholders who owns a stake of 1 $ALIVE or more (ownedStake = stake + delegationsOut + pendingUndelegations), and accounts owned by the tribe does not get a payout.

The following tokens are paid out in total every day to eligeble $ALIVE stakeholders.

  • 0.43 BRO
  • 10 PGM
  • 10 LOLZ
  • 10 DHEDGE

And using the Highest Bid for these tokens, and the Highest Bid for $ALIVE then we get the following calculation.

BRO PayoutBRO bidPGM PayoutPGM bidLOLZ PayoutLOLZ bidDHEDGE PayoutDHEDGE bidHive Value Payout
ALIVE bid0,03ALIVE ownedStake1517018,5833APR ALIVE Staking Rewards3,845475114

So the APR on our daily staking rewards is 3.84% given that you earn the token, we are a tribe token after all, so for most the decision is to either stake or sell it, and if the price drops more the APR goes up.

$ALIVE Use Cases

So let's have a look at some more use cases for our $ALIVE token in addition to our daily staking rewards.

Tribe Token

$ALIVE is a tribe token, stake it and you get influence in the We Are Alive Tribe by using your upvote or downvote, and you also earn curation rewards for your upvotes.

Time to unstaking is 7 days, and time to undelegating is 5 days, and payout window is 7 days.

We have a linear rewards curve, the split between authors/curators is 50/50, and posting rewards get 80% of the daily issued tokens while miners, staked $ALIVEM, get 20% of the same, plus we have a 5% annual reduction of the total rewards pool.

Here is our tribe interface as well, https://wearealiveand.social/

Tipping Bot

We also have a tipping bot with the !ALIVE comment command to call it, and it gives out tips of 0.1 $ALIVE as stake to the ones recieving the tips, and the tips are not issued on the side but earned by the tribe, mainly from @alive.chat.

To use this tipping command you need a minimum of 1000 Alive Power or more (owned non-delegated stake + incoming delegations), which allows for giving 10 tips per day, reset time is midnight UTC, and we have 4 levels.

  • Level 1: 1k AP - 10 tips
  • Level 2: 5k AP - 20 tips
  • Level 3: 20k AP - 30 tips
  • Level 4: 100k AP - 40 tips

Here is the code for the bot if you are interested, https://github.com/flaxz/alivebot

Delegate Alive Power

There is also a few opportunities to delegate Alive Power (AP) and earn a reward for it, and I will list 3 options below, there might be more as well.

  1. @aliveandthriving - Delegate AP to this account to earn $ALIVEM every Friday, the post for the rewards are published on the @wearealive account by me @flaxz.
  2. @lolz.alive - Delegate AP to this account to earn $LOLZ tokens, and check the @lolzbot account for the details, it's run by @captaincryptic.
  3. @dhedge.alive - Delegate AP to this account and earn daily $DHEDGE tokens, the details are in the @dhedge account, and it's run by @taskmanager.

So those are 3 options to delegate AP and earn a reward fo it, and as I said there are likely more by different projects as well.


We also have our ALIVE:ALIVEM Diesel Pool on Hive-engine, which pays out BEE tokens in daily rewards, and the APR is currently 44%.

Screenshot from BeeSwap

Adding liquid $ALIVE and $ALIVEM to the pool let you take part of these rewards, plus you also earn fee's when people transact with it.

BEE Curation

We currently have an owned stake of 21471 BEE tokens on our @aliveandsocial account, that is the 4th largest owned stake of BEE on Hive, and we do manual curation of the #hive-engine and #tribes tags in the We Are Alive Tribe with it.

To qualify you do need 100 or more $ALIVE tokens staked, and you might be eligeble for even more if you have over 1k $ALIVE staked, post quality is also a factor, but the stake of $ALIVE is required.

Tribe Contests

We also have a few contests running in the tribe, some of them run by us as well.

To start with we have our weekly #AliveOnFriday staking contest, it is run by me on my own @flaxz account, and it is rewarding weekly staking by accounts who have applied for the contest in $ALIVE and $ALIVEM tokens that can be worth up to 1500 $ALIVE tokens, given certain conditions.

Then we have our weekly ALIVE Burning Contest which takes place in @alive.chat every Tuesday, and 4 winners shares a prize of $ALIVEM equal in value to the $ALIVE tokens burned for the week.

You burn $ALIVE tokens by promoting your post in our tribe interface, only whole tokens count, and we also have a curation account for promoted posts as well, and they are manually curated according to vote consideration by our moderator.

Then we also have our daily @alive.chat contest as well, and you gain tickets to the daily contest by completing the task in the Daily Topic of the chat for that day, prizes are 4 week delegations of 2x 50 Hive Power and 2x 500 Alive Power, plus 4x 50 Ecency Points, and a few more prizes as well.

Plus we have the daily #larryisalive contest run on the @lukeisalive account by @maddogmike, and daily prizes is 4 week delegations of 1k CTP Power and 1k ALIVE Power, check out @alive.chat on Thursday for instructions on how to take part.

That's the contests by the tribe itself, then there are a few other contests by tribe members too, and to name 2 we have the daily contest in @thisisawesome with a prize of a 4 week delegation of 5 Hive Power, and we have @heartbeatonhive run by @benthomaswwd which is giving away a lot of different prizes including $ALIVE tokens.

Hive Introduction Ebook

We also have our free rebrandable ebook for Hive onboarding called Hive Introduction, with easy instructions on how to sign up for Hive and get active on the blockchain and in the We Are Alive Tribe.

Thank You!

Thank you very much for reading this post and I hope you liked it, leave your thoughts in the comments below, and ...

Stay Awesome!

Erik Gustafsson

My profile on We Are Alive And Social

This is my own personal opinion, do your own research before investing, and seek legal counsel if uncertain.

Join the We Are Alive Discord

Click the ecover below to download my free ebook.

Made in Desygner and Adazing, photo by Erik Gustafsson


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