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The stumbling - We Are Alive IAAC #6 - May 12, 2021

Stumbling is not bad, becoming fond of the stone is. Anyway, thank goodness that stones exist and that we are human, because there is nothing that defines us as well as our ability to overcome difficulties.

It is not time that makes us understand that defeats deserve us to look straight ahead and feel proud of ourselves.

With damages we learn to resist what imprisons us, to fight against the force of our prejudices, to put aside our desire to surrender, to abandon the complaint, to talk to ourselves and to understand envy.

When you stumble and when you suffer, you realize that everything comes, everything passes and everything is transformed. And it is that, paradoxical as it may be, the moment in which we begin to change coincides with the moment in which we begin to accept ourselves as we are.

Yes I am alive.