Curation and weekly engagements - May 11, 2024

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This selection of posts is part of my engagements to the We Are Alive Tribe community.

IAAC DAY #513 // Plan For Success And Failure Together by @leemah1

If you want to get ahead, you can't do it by staying in one place you have to get started first. You are looking at those successful people and in your head you will be thinking of how you can be like them because of their success but you never think of how many times those people fell and get back up again. You are chasing their success without any plans for failure.

|| IAAC DAY 739 || Be Courageous by @twicejoy

Don't let the fear of losing keep you from trying, in this life you will never get to do anything unless you have the courage to try. You have to stand for something, commit yourself to something if you don't want to fall for anything because it take a strong commitment to keep growing. If you want to keep growing, you have to be committed to whatever you are doing and do not waver by a minor thing.

We are alive! 09/05/24. Outside the walls of the classroom. by @kennysplash

After teaching for years, I have come to understand the fact that effective teaching goes beyond what happens in the classroom. Of course it makes up a high percentage, but focusing on it alone is just not enough. Most especially if you teach preteens.
As a teacher I have to admit that the classroom can get really boring. That is why you have to compliment it with activities outside teaching and lecturing.

Day of 2024-05-09 by @master-lamps

Yesterday morning, I dedicated some time to tackle my accounting tasks, a routine that's still largely manual. Despite the advancements in digital technology, I find solace in the traditional method of crunching numbers by hand. There's a certain satisfaction in meticulously organizing financial records, even if it means spending extra time on calculations. As I sifted through invoices and balanced accounts, I couldn't help but appreciate the simplicity and accuracy of manual accounting, although I do acknowledge the potential benefits of transitioning to digital systems in the future.

My wife’s Chinese calligraphy class by @cryptopsycho21

My niece is a government social worker in Taiwan. Her main responsibility is to prepare activities and educational for low income or families that are having trouble.

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