Curation and weekly engagements - April 06, 2024

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This selection of posts is part of my engagements to the We Are Alive Tribe community.

Preparation and English Muffins by @ironshield

It's a busy day at our home on Fridays as we get the house ready for a day off. We finish up our work, wrap up projects for the week, clean up the house. We're also using up our sour-dough, so it's English Muffin time at our home.
Even making 5 dozen, these get gobbled up very quickly!

I Am Alive And So Are The Flowers! by @phoenixwren

Greetings, friends! I am happy because I have my first sprouts happening in the balcony garden! These are chocolate drops flowers, which are native to my area (and hard to find the seeds! I had to search and finally found someone on Etsy selling them). Even though I garden in pots, I wanted to be sure to get some native species in there. I have pearly everlasting in another pot that haven't sprouted yet.

Still Alive - 05.04.2024 by @neshk

Today, Friday, I bring you a longer video. Where I tell you a little more about my current situation, and show you my surroundings.
I hope you like it, leave a comment ;)
hugs to all and good friday community!!!!

Let them be inspired by your story by @leemah1

Stop worrying about the past, it is gone and can neither be changed nor be corrected that is why they are calling it past. Life might have been hard on you but stop remembering it and try to stay strong. The future is ahead of you so don't think too much about what is yet to happen because it will happen eventually, just live the moment, it's what you got right now and don't miss the opportunity to enjoy it.

Day of 2024-04-05 by @master-lamps

Yesterday morning greeted me with the refreshing rhythm of a run, a routine that invigorates both my body and mind. The crisp air filled my lungs as I pounded the pavement, setting a positive tone for the day ahead. Later, at work, I was pleasantly surprised to find that we had not only met but surpassed our revenue goal.

Alive Tribe.png

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Image by Wolfgang Weiser from Pixabay

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