Alive and free to experience Life.


I am alive today. Though currently I'm working, and yet I don't seem to mind as much. The weather is beautiful. There's a nice cool breeze. The overall atmosphere in the town where I'm working, is of a festive nature is of a festive nature. Usually there are thousands of people in this town duringthis time of year. However, because of the plandemic. The fireworks were cancelled this year. Yet this seems to have had very little effect on the people of this town.

One thing I do appreciate about there not being thousands of people in this small town. Is the ease to which I am able to make my deliveries. I'm actually enjoying the peace. Traditionally the 3rd of July, in Bristol Rhode Island, is spent in preparation. Thousands of people come from all over to watch the Bristol parade. They get up early to secure their spot on the grass along side hope st. The locals in this town all have their favorite spot. They set up their tents, lay their blankets, and set up their chairs.

This little town can really be chaotic this time of year. As a delivery person. This time of year requires nerves of steel. Delivering through the small historic streets, which normally would be full of people, requires the utmost attention. In fact July 3rd, we are required to not have a sign on our car. For the illuminated sign draws attention to us, and considering the amount of alcohol consumption occurring throughout the day. Combined with the massive amount of fireworks purchased around this time. Experience has taught us that is better to not tempt fate.

Though, like I said this year is different. The atmosphere is festive, but it isn't chaotic. It even seems garnished with a sense of gratitude. Where last year around this time. People we're rushing around. Finishing their last minute preparations. Now it seems that people are just simply enjoying the day. It's no longer about having to celebrate Fourth of July. It really feels like we get to freely celebrate. Even though I am technically working. I'm blessed to have the awareness to take it all in. I appreciate being in the position of a mere passerby. Though honestly, a week ago I felt burdened by having to work. Yet today I feel blessed I was able to experienced it. I'm am alive to soak in the experience. Thanks for sharing with me. I hope you enjoyed my entry for the #iamalivechallenge. It's hosted by @flaxz, and supported by the #iamalivechallenge community.


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