IAAC Post 251 | New Shoes


Hello Alive and Hive!!!
It's another wonderful day in the land of the living and am super excited to be alive to witness a great day like this.

Yeah, the week is broken into two, same as the month and things seem to be a kind of normal for me in a way that I can separate my loss days which doesn't match in any way with the better days.

New Shoes!!
Why New Shoes?
People do say "New stuff replaces the old ones", same is applied in our lives and the environment which we find ourselves in.

One may feel rejected by his or her friends, simply because they've found new jobs or engagements. Well, it could be because, they're becoming more busier than before or pride just hit their door steps.
They just bought some new shoes in order to get out of your shoes.
Well, you just have to mend yours or buy a new one too.
It's simple.
Mind you own business since you may not have any continuation of business with any of them.

People are in search of your service. Don't waste your "Being nice" with those who doesn't value it.

Thanks for stopping by to read my opinion.
Do have a lovely week.

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