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IAAC Post 210: Everything good will come

In life, everything good will surely come so long as you follow the path to your destiny.
At times, it is rough and bruises, but only for a moment.
Having read most of the stories narrated by the most successful people on Earth, each of them had their bad days, days that they hate to talk about. This motivated me to look up to God, for guidance in pursuing my purpose of being alive in the land of the living. It doesn't matter how much it costs to achieving greatness. What matters is when and how.
Yeah, time is not and never on our side, even if it's your time to shine, it will soon be another person's time to shine if you don't utilize your time well.
Life has taught me so much about being patient and acting when due. Some at times, people do make their life mistakes by not isolating the right time for the right item in their list.
All they want is the go go go! and not minding the after effects.
It's true that there is no righteous man on earth, but you're your own righteous man. The man that does what's right in your eyes.

This is my 210th alive post.
Am grateful to God for taking me this far.
Am alive, safe and sound.
How about you.