IAAC Post 199: Problem shared is problem solved

Green River By @lunaturqueza
Living your own fantasy these days appear to be hard for some persons. In stead of that, they pretend not to be living in the deep dark rivers, disabled to share their experiences.
Why not open up to someone close to you or people who knows more that you do?
They said "a problem shared is a problem solved".
So, find that very trusted fellow to share those thoughts of your which is doing you no good but harm.
This is a new week and the last 10 days in the month of November.
You must not go into December with those experiences that you need to leave behind.

Am alive in the land of the living, praising my creator for giving me the ability to do all that I've done for today.
It's all God's blessings.
Thanks to you for stopping to read my post.
Have a wonderful week ahead.

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