Spring Flowers a plenty…

We have been living in this house for a little over four years now. The end of winter and first part of the spring season provided more rain rhan normal for this area.

Due to the additional moisture than in prior years, the wildflowers are more abundant.

This is a section of the back yard in the below photo.

This is two to three times the thickness of flowers than in prior years. I just love the pop of colors the flowers provide.

The flowers wrap around the entire house. The below photo was taken looking out from the back porch.

We will not mow the yard until the flowers have seeded so that they will continue to come back year after year. There are looks of butterflies and hummingbirds visiting all the flowers so I enjoy just sitting on the porch watching as they gi back and forth between the different types of flowers.

The temperature has been in the mid 80F I hope it stays like this for several more weeks before the temperatures start to get hotter.

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