Staking Your ALIVE Tokens - #IAmAliveChallenge + Larry's Hunting report Thursday, December 21, 2023

Today, I learned many things to sell more products in my shop. Well, no matter your job, learning is a must to keep going. If we lack motivation or no motivation to keep learning, we'll stuck at one point and our situation can get worse.

With the help of @iamraincrystal and @dmhafiz, I am trying to increase my Leadsleap earnings too. Join TrafficAdBar, ITB, and TrafficG for now. Thanks to both of you. I think it's a miss to join TrafficAdBar because I don't know what I gonna do with that. Leadsleap coop link can't be promoted in TrafficAdBar. Maybe, if some of the readers know or have a recommendation to use TrafficAdBar in a good way, you can comment below.


After trying iamraincrystal and dmhafiz recommendations, It looks good so far ITB efficiency is around 40% and TrafficG efficiency is around 10%. The percentage is calculated based on the counted traffic in Leadsleap/the total traffic from those websites. Sad to see that ITB has a limit of 100 ads to view every day as a free user 😂. I think it'll be better if I have 2 monitors for this activity.

Back to staking ALIVE day!

What can you get/do after stake more ALIVE?

MyHiveGoals: 10,000 ALIVE POWER
Current ALIVE Power: 6,851.7 ALIVE POWER (68.51%)
Liquid ALIVE: 42.6915 ALIVE (0.42%)
Bought ALIVE: 55.6085 ALIVE (0.49%)
ALIVE to ALIVE Power: 98.3 ALIVE (+0.98%)


Ok... My staking transaction doesn't show in WeAreAlive and Tribaldex


The history is tucked at around a few hours ago... Well, at least it really staked :3

Updated amount: 6,950 ALIVE POWER (69.50%)


3,050 ALIVE Power again to finish the goal.

Well... As I already did some hunting... I'll just post LarryIsAlive hunting too for today~


This is the reason that I think, I need 2 monitors 😂🤣. I finished 3 out of 6 tasks (Listnerds, LeadsLeap, CTPX, FAFY, ITB, and TAB) for today.

Today's report:

  • View 23 Ads in LeadsLeap
  • View 100 Ads (Limit) in InfinityTrafficBoost
  • View 33 Ads in TrafficAdBar

Let's see how it'll impact my income in Leadsleap and maybe I can withdraw faster.

If you want to try Leadsleap or others, you can use the banner below to go to the website with my ref link. Thank you




Not for hunting Larry

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